Missiles and more missiles

How many missiles do these lunatics haves? It just doesn’t seem to ever end. And of late, the intensity of the attacks has increased. Also, so many of the components in these missiles come from Western companies. I guess we are starting to understand some of the downsides of globalization, er, greed.

If missiles were raining down in the city where you lived and no one seemed to be in a hurry to come to your aid then how would you feel?

If Ukraine falls (which I can’t imagine will happen) then the world is going to go to hell. This I believe with all of my being.

Russia invaded Ukraine full on. Ukraine posed no threat to Ukraine. Russia just didn’t want a vibrant, spirited ex-girlfriend living next door. And if they can’t get the girlfriend back, then they want to try and destroy her. That is pure evil. This is not just about Ukraine and Russia – this is more about good and evil. And if the world doesn’t come to its senses soon and pick a side, then the evil will spread. The dictators of the world are all becoming buddies but the democracies in the free world are not united. This is a big problem.

What really boggles my mind is that the combined economies of the world’s largest free-market nations are a giant combined when compared to Russia which has an economy the size of Texas. And yet , for some reason, sending aid to Ukraine is like pulling teeth. It just makes no sense to me.

“It is Russia’s Putin, not Putin’s Russia. This is something that many people do not understand. It is not Putin’s war against Ukraine. Even if you take out Putin, nothing will change. He is a symptom of a much bigger sickness.”
