Climb Bun, climb – reach the top

Yesterday Marta went to a birthday party of a friend of Bunster from kindergarten. I wish I had been there. I like that friend of Bun’s, and he has cool parents. Marta was very excited by that birthday party and wrote some inspiring text. I am sharing it here.

Yesterday my son and I went to the birthday party of his friend Braxtyn. It was a busy, noisy, fun. A perfect party for a little boy! We enjoyed it so much! But there’s a story that I have to tell. A story about kindness.

My son is scared of heights and usually he doesn’t like to climb to the top of the jungle gym. Once the whole crowd of kids gathered they joined my son on a more safe attraction. And instead of running away and leaving him behind they showed empathy to their friend. They could have gone to climb the bigger structures but they stuck with the Bunster. No pressure from parents, nothing. Just genuine compassion, love. It lasted maybe 90 seconds and my son felt comfortable enough to climb higher.


1. Thank you moms and dads for raising such amazing kids. I believe children learn by watching the best examples from their families.
2. Helping others with an open heart and not judging is a beautiful thing. I wish I had that more in my life.
3. Encouragement is more powerful than punishment or criticism.
4. Love kids’ birthdays with all my heart.